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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 聊天社交



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:42.5 MB
  3. 版本:
    1. 分类:聊天社交
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-08-01

  1. 标签:9x9.tv


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:9x9.tv on iOS received a complete facelift! ... 9x9.tv
    9x9.tv on iOS received a complete facelift! Brand new, simple, straight-forward user interface to help you get to the videos you want, faster.

    Cast continuous video channels onto the big screen with 9x9.tv's Chromecast feature, and enjoy a non-stop playback experience. You can even use the 9x9.tv app as a remote while casting.

    Simply flip left, right, up or down to play another video, or just lean back and immerse yourself in sets of carefully curated video channels, uninterrupted.

    You can catch the latest trending video topics from social communities such as Twitter & Reddit, or from a specially-curated video stream appropriate for the time of day.

    Feeling a little more daring? Shake your device and be served with fun videos at random.

    Save the channels you enjoy by adding them to your personal subscriptions, so you'll never miss another update.

    TV-watching will never be the same again with 9x9.tv.
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