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法国 离线地图,指南。酒店,天气,车次 巴黎,凯恩,里昂,史特拉斯堡

法国 离线地图,指南。酒店,天气,车次 巴黎,凯恩,里昂,史特拉斯堡

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:49.7 MB
  3. 版本:1.1
    1. 分类:购物旅游
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-07-31

  1. 标签:法国 离线地图指南。酒店天气车次 巴黎凯恩里昂史特拉斯堡


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:试试这个免费和离线旅游指南与城市,景点,路线... 法国 离线地图,指南。酒店,天气,车次 巴黎,凯恩,里昂,史特拉斯堡

    This app offers you complete offline 法国 guidebook with city guides for:
    巴黎, 凯恩, 里昂, 史特拉斯堡, 阿维尼翁, 科特迪瓦 d Azur, 马赛, 科西嘉, 摩纳哥, 卢尔德, 勃艮第, 波尔多 and other travel destinations in 法国.

    Try this FREE & OFFLINE travel guide with cities, attractions, road map, local prices, tips and reviews added by hikers.
    This app is 100% FREE and works OFFLINE all data are stored in app - no hidden payments & no roaming charges!

    Available in 15 languages.
    100% free and offline (no roaming charges)

    Features of the 法国 GuideBook:
    Best travel destinations in 法国
    List of attractions with multi-language descriptions and photos
    70 Currency converter
    longterm weather forecast, works in offline mode to
    Travel reviews & social recommendation
    Multiple language support (15 languages)
    Best Trips, Adventures, and To Do
    Cheap hotel booking and car hire

    What people say:
    "Great app ...especially if you are on a short trip and want to quickly find things to see & do."
    "Excelent Super amazing app..jus made my work easier."
    "Smart App As a traveller or tourist you would be reluctant to take a data package in the UAE due to the exorbitant data charges. I downloaded this app from my hotel room wifi and was set to explore dubai. Thanks!"

    With this app you get access to FREE guided walking tour around the most important and characteristic places in Paris like: Latin Quarte, Jardin des Tuileries, Pont Alexandre III, Napoleons Tomb, Pont-Neuf, Pont des Arts, Petit Palais, Ile de la cite. The range of free services may vary.
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