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Matchstick Puzzles

Matchstick Puzzles

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:10.71M
  3. 版本:1.0.0
    1. 分类:休闲娱乐
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-12-17

  1. 标签:Matchstick Puzzles


  1. 应用简介

  1. If you like puzzles, especially puzzles with matches, then this game is a must have for you.Try solving all the matchstick puzzles in this awesome app! Features:- tons of challenging match puzzles with increasing difficulty- hints/solutions which will help you if you get stuck- awesome graphics- intuitive controls- a tutorial to help you get startedWe guarantuee you hours of fun!If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop us an email.
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