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No Time To Swipe

No Time To Swipe

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:11.03M
  3. 版本:1.0
    1. 分类:动作格斗
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-12-04

  1. 标签:No Time To Swipe


  1. 应用简介

  1. Simple, free and fun reaction based game.Fast swiping game with mind-blowingly easy gameplay.Swipe the correct direction and get the highest score!Challenge for your own limit!KEY FEATURES:● Simple to play● Nice effects● Modern design● Nice colorful graphicsRULES OF THE GAME:Swipe the direction that the arrows points!Get swiping!JOIN US: http://www.facebook.com/chumagames FOLLOW THE NEWS: http://www.twitter.com/chumagames WATCH VIDEO CLIPS: http://www.youtube.com/chumagames VISIT OUR WEB SITE: http://www.chumagames.com
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