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    就下载 > Android > 安卓应用 > 办公理财



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:1.31MB
  3. 版本:1.2.0
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-11-13

  1. 标签:私密记事本


  1. 应用简介

  1. 私密记事本我们专注于为您提供更安全,更实用,更便捷的记事程式。灵活的,方便的记事界面,让您快速备忘。轻松实现记事增、删、改,一键分享到邮件,微博,短信等。同时提供密码设定,密码保护,内置安全退出机制,让您的使用更安全。1.供密码设定,密码保护,内置安全退出机制,让您的使用更安全。2.轻松实现记事增、删、改.3.一键分享到邮件,微博,短信等4.方便的记事界面.version 1.2.01.支持分辨率为320x480相关设备的支持.2.优化记事列表.3.增加导出txt的支持.Encrypted NotepadWe focus on to provide you with safer, more practical, more convenient notes program. Flexible, convenient notebook interface that allows you to quickly note. Easy notes to add, delete, change, share a key to the email, twitter, SMS and so on. At the same time provide the password settings, password protection, built-in security exit mechanism, allowing you to use more secure.1. Easy notes to add, delete, change, share a key to the message, microblogging, text messaging and so on.2. provide the password settings, password protection, built-in security exit mechanism, allowing you to use more secure.3. convenient notebook interface that allows you to quickly note.version 1.2.01.fix bug:support 320x480 devices.2.optimization notes list3.support export a note to txt file. you can find your file at sdcard root dir.
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